Saturday, January 12, 2013

Although I didn't meet my goal to fund an entire Knitter's Basket for Heifer International, we did raise just over half of the amount!

This allowed me to fund 5 partial Knitter's Basket and then I donated the additional $20 to wherever help was needed most - thank you again for everyone that helped me fundraise for Heifer International!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome to CraftCare!

This holiday season, I am challenging myself to raise money for Heifer Internation in order to provide as many Knitter's Baskets as possible. The Knitter's Basket represents four fuzzy friends that keep Heifer partner families warm all around the world.
Each Knitter's Basket includes a llama, an alpaca, a sheep and an angora rabbit — four animals that provide families with ample wool and endless opportunities to build a better life.
My goal is to raise enough money in order to donate a complete Knitter's Basket ($480) to Heifer Internation. There are also partial Knitter's Baskets ($48) which can be purchased, if the donations go above my goal - which would be amazing!
Please help me reach my goal by spreading the word to other knitters, crocheters, and crafters  in your life. This amazing gift will help others in need with something as simple as fiber. 
To make a donation, please visit my fundly page here: